Friday, February 20, 2009

From the email. Wolf pack takes down a moose

Every once in awhile you get an email containing something worthwhile, something that makes you just say "WOW!!". No idea who the pic owner is on this one, email said they were from a treestand in Idaho. One heck of a view this person must of had.

Growing up around St. Louis MO I saw coyotes and feral dogs pack up like this and run whitetail deer. The coyotes would try and chase the deer down to the rivers where the frozen ice was a deathtrap for any animal with slick hooves. It usually ended with the deer too weak to stand on the ice and the canines would brutally rip the deer apart while still alive.

This is nature in one of her purest acts.


Anonymous said...

That would be an awesome view. Hope they had a gun to fire some warning shots so they could get out of the tree :)

Ben G. said...

Wow what great pics!