Sunday, December 27, 2009

Video from the Cibola NWR Youth Waterfowl Hunt

Here is the video from the Cibola NWR Youth Waterfowl Hunt. Enjoy watching the kids get their first goose.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas Ebberbody From Redlands CA

I'd like to wish everyone a safe and Merry Christmas. No snow here this year in Redlands. I hope everyone has a warm fire going and some eggnog to enjoy.

Please don't drink and drive or let anyone else, I want to see you back here in 2010.


Sunday, December 20, 2009

Cibola Youth Waterfowl Hunt

Got some pics to share from the Cibola NWR Youth Waterfowl Hunt that was held December 12-14 2009 at Cibola NWR along the Colorado River. Thanks to all that helped put this great hunt together. AZ Fish and Game, Cibola NWR, Yuma Valley Rod & Gun Club who served up the hot chow, Sprague's Sporting Goods for the 20 ga. shotgun in the raffle. Cibola Sportsman's Club for letting the kids shoot their two ranches and use the club for staging. DU (Ducks Unlimited) for the mentors and help.

The kids knocked down 18 honkers and 1 snow and busted over 50 ducks. The Cibola NWR let the kids shoot in the afternoon this year and they had a ball getting most of their ducks then.

First geese ever for these two young ladies who were shooting on the farm unit of the Cibola NWR. And a band on one to boot.

First geese ever for these 2 guys who were shooting on the farm unit of the Cibola NWR.

This lil guy could hardly see over the pit blind but he smoked 2 geese Saturday.

Kids plucking their first goose.

Tim Corbett from Cibola Sportsman's Club setting dekes for the Sunday morning hunt. The rye grass was up but you can hardly see it in this pic. This is the pit blind where the two kids shot geese Sunday morning that I missed with the video camera. My deer blind could only see 1 field, the one south of this field.

Always great sunsets at Cibola. Looking out over the flooded milo marsh at Cibola Sportsman's Club.

I've got some video I'm putting together from the hunt, if you were there and want to share some pics to be included in the video please email me. Thanks.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Blitzen Fired? Tough Times Continue

This just in from the Mule Deer Forum. Times are tough as we all know and it looks like Blitzen has just been fired.

Imagine throwing the scope up and seeing that. What would ya name him? "Blinky"? "Twinkles"?

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Time For The Wayback Button

This gem is an awesome video our member cnggack from Minnesota made to showcase the pics entered in the 2008 JHO Game Cam Pic Contest. If you're like me and just love to grab a cup of hot cider and scroll through great animal pics then you're gonna love this montage of wildlife. Enjoy.

Just a reminder, the 2010 Game Can Contest will start in February 2010. Please check in to our JHO Game Cam Forum to see the pics or post your pics in the contest. We'll have some nice prizes for the many categories. If you have a game camera, want to buy your first one or want to build a homemade unit the Game Cam forum is a great place to get help and advice. Many cammers also share their pics there.