Friday, December 26, 2008

Too Switched On?

The other night I was heading north to a duck hunt at Kern NWR. It was dark, having just left a fine supper of Carnitas at the Los Pinos restaurant at the top of the Vine (Grapevine) as some know it on I-5, north of Los Angeles. As each vehicle passed me I began to notice the blinking displays from laptops, GPS units, cellphones, Gameboys etc. I've always been a gadget freak and nerd but I began to wonder just how far we've become addicted to electronics. Many of the cars whizzing past had several people using electronic devices in them.

RING!!! RING!!! RING!!!! Hold on a sec, gotta answer this call.

I can remember a time when you loaded up the truck for a vacation to get away from the ringing phones and never ending questions from work. When you arrived at the rustic cabin or campsite there was no phone to answer, no mail, nothing. It was you and the beautiful woods with no annoying distractions.

On the other hand, a cellphone is good insurance to have if you become stranded or have an emergency of some sort. Most of these folks were traveling for the Christmas holiday. The I-5 can be a boring haul with the Tule Fog causing California's deadliest pileups.

Where is the line for too much electronic gadgetry?

I know some families who can't go anywhere unless little Johnny has his Gameboy, it keeps junior occupied and quiet many parents tell me. The world Johnny has never seen is screaming by and his head is buried in the toy. Part of traveling to me as a kid was seeing the sights, the wonder and awe of seeing new places and new things. Is the next generation missing out in their enlightenment or is this the new world order? Do I need to assimilate or can we bend the folks who are constantly wired and tuned in, off?

BEEP!!! BEEP!!! BEEP!!! Be right with you, gotta answer this page.

I see folks everyday walking around with I-Pods in their ears or yapping on a cellphone as they blindly negotiate busy intersections or walkways. Hearing is one sense I want turned on when big buses and machinery are buzzing by me just feet away. I wonder how many have been squished when they didn't hear the yell from someone to "Look out!!". Some states like CA here are passing laws prohibiting the use of cellphones while driving to try and prevent accidents from inattentive drivers. Some of the cellphone ring tones are flat out annoying, especially in a movie or restaurant. One goof had a screaming elephant in his cellphone the had everyone in the local cafe jumping up and looking for cover, me included. It was that loud.

That begs the question. Is all this electronic bombardment ruining our situational awareness as outdoorsmen? If we don't hear that Towhee singing how would we ever know what one sounds like? If all we hear is music and phone conversations as we walk around outside we will never enjoy the funny chatter of a red-headed woodpecker scolding a squirrel for daring to invade his tree.

RING!!!! RING!!! RING!!! Excuse me, gotta answer this call, BRB.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Goin' To Hell For Sure?

I first started varmint shooting as a kid. We would skip school, grab our varmint rifles (usually a .22) and head down to the local dump along the Missouri River bottom to shoot the plentiful rats that lived amongst the trash. The dump was a perfect shooting gallery, just like at the carnival. There were different levels and ranges that the furry critters would run back and forth on.

The first time I was slapped on the back for splattering a varmint I felt a tinge of guilt. The giggles and snickers when a rat's head went sailing off or the red mist flying out from a groundhog made me feel kind of bad too. Afterward I wondered if this was what got you into hell? The trigger time made us better riflemen but what was the price we would pay? When you get to the Pearly Gates is this one adventure that is recorded on the "Bad Side" in the ledger of your life?

Fast forward to today and I'm still zinging the varmints that need shooting. Depredation many call it, which means plundering; to pillage [Latin depraedare to pillage]. The ground squirrels here in California do tremendous damage to cattle and horses when they fall into the ground squirrel burrows. Heck, I've almost snapped a leg bone or two due to them dern "squeaks" and their tunnels they have everywhere.

I catch a lot of flack over the varmint shooting videos I post. Many are antihunters or antigunners who rant on with all kinds of name calling and foul language. I'm not so sure about some of the other comments, some may be just folks who drop in on the link not sure what the link is about and they are neither a hunter/shooter or an anti. Shooting animals and giggling about it must appear to be pretty callous to the uninformed. Would a caution or advisory about the varmints being pests before the video rolls help?

Am I going to hell?

One old friend offered another opinion on this catch 22 situation. While at the range during a media event where the outdoor writers were shooting ground squirrels he overheard one old scribe from the south offer that varmint shooting may not get you straight into hell, but you were darn sure to be getting a warm room for doing it.

Lord forgive me, I wonder if they make asbestos in 3XL?

Friday, November 14, 2008

Well, Hello Kitty.

I was deer hunting down San Diego way recently and spied this bobcat sneaking along the far open hillside. I squeaked out a couple "kisses of death" and the bobcat came up so close I finally had to put the camcorder down and shoo it away before it pounced on me.

I lost the creeping cat in the small camera viewfinder and had to pull my head off the camera to make sure where it went, I didn't want any surprises that included fangs and claws. The bobcat was actually stalking some California Valley quail in front of me in the chaparral. At one point he snuck right up to the bush the quail were in and flushed 2 of them. His leap and paw swipe are not on the video dad gummit, that shot must have come when I was wobbling the camera around trying to find the cat. That's probably why the cat isn't real interested in my squeaking, he wants a quail cheeseburger and I'm almost annoying him.

I didn't take a shot because the .300 winmag in my lap would have made a mess of the pelt. Time to get a combo gun maybe. A good western cat hide is bringing near $400 last time I checked.

Camcorder was a Canon GL-2.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

15th annual San Jacinto Junior Pheasant Hunt

This was the 15th annual San Jacinto Junior Pheasant Hunt. This junior hunter event is put on by the California Department of Fish & Game (DFG) along with the Riverside Quail Unlimited (QU) Chapter.

Lots of smiles and high fives for the junior hunters again this year. There were 39 juniors, we were hoping for 50 but the rain may have kept some home. It turned out to be a nice day after an early morning rain, just a bit windy at times which made for some challenging shooting for the young hunters.

Huge thanks to the staff at San Jacinto WA, the volunteers who brought their dogs to point and retrieve the birds and everyone else who helped out to make it a great day for the next generation of hunters..

Sponsors included Bass Pro, Valley-Wide Recreation & Park District, Inkredible Prints ((951) 654-1111) and Jesse's Hunting & Outdoors. Mike Brown also donated a $100 NRA Shooting Class certificate.

Part 1.

Part 2

Part 3

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I voted today. Line wasn't bad, maybe 5 minutes. The hard part was smelling the beans they had cooking for the poll workers in the back room at the church where I vote here in Redlands CA. Man they smelled good.

We have electronic voting here now which replaced the old punch out hanging chad type ballots. The new ballots are huge, big 2 foot by 1 foot cardboard like sheets. To vote you connect two bars with a line from you pen. The ballot choices looked like this:

Joe Blow ==== ====

with the dashed lines above being solid bars on the ballot.

When you turn in your ballot you get an "I Voted" sticker for your shirt. This was my 8th presidential election to vote in. Sometimes I'm so disgusted with the politics and the sorry arse folks that hold office that I don't want to vote. I do vote since many have sacrificed their lives in defense of this country so that we have the ability to choose our goobermint offcials.

I wanted to film some folks at the church where I voted, not ask them who they voted for but what they thought of the election. The signs said no one within 100 feet could ask voters about their choices. After awhile I thought it might be best not to pull out a camera, even if I was 100 feet from the door. I don't know if I would want someone filming me while voting.

Here's to 4 more years, of what I haven't the faintest.

Politicians are always interested in people. Not that this is always a virtue. Fleas are interested in dogs. - P.J. O’Rourke

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

D16 & G13 Mule Deer Hunt Opener Near San Diego CA

This was our D16 & G13 Mule Deer Hunt Opener in San Diego 2008 October 24-26. Rick (Westy) and I camped at Lake Henshaw Campground and hunted nearby.

Saturday's sunrise was warm with a slight wind. Several trucks parked near us and 17 vehicles went up above us. Saw 2 bucks checked in at the Henshaw Store at lunch. A nice 3x3 from Mike and a forkie for another guy, his first deer. They had to track the forkie for 3 hours and when they found it the butt was eaten out by coyotes and a cougar then chased the coyotes off it appeared and the cougar started in on the belly. They said there was cougar tracks around the dead deer and the belly was freshly opened up so it looked like they scared the cat off when they approached. The 3x3 had a separate 3rd main beam and the start of a drop tine. Their bellies were full of acorns. Nobody mentioned any bucks pushing does that I heard so the rut hasn't kicked in hard yet.

Saturday evening we crawled down into our same canyon from the morning and about 4pm WHAM!!! right below me, Westy popped a yearling doe that stood up and ran from her bed. Of course the canyon was straight down and Rick busted butt to get the small doe back across to the easier slope where we boned it out and hauled it up to the waiting truck.

Sunday morning Westy and I watched the same live oak ridges where he got his doe Saturday. I had one spike buck feed by me early around 8am. Later I saw a big bodied deer ghosting through the timber and when I put the binos on the deer to see what it was, it just disappeared. I figured the deer had bedded down so I waited a bit then slipped down the finger ridge toward the deer and then hooked around the knob where I last saw the deer. Then I sat down. Sure enough, up popped a big ole doe peeking around the knob where I had come from about 50 yards out. Had it been a buck I would have had a good shot. I love sneekin' and peekin' with deer.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

It's Apple Time!!!

The fall leaves turning bright colors means it harvest time. Harvest time means it's apple time. Time for apple cider, apple butter, apple anything. Here are a couple videos of my recent trips to Stetson Creek Ranch apple orchard near Seven Oaks CA and to Emmaus Homes in Marthasville MO where Thierbach Orchards was making some fine apple butter.

This was a trip tp pick some apples at Stetson Creek Ranch, near Seven Oaks CA. Every autumn the desire to pick a fresh juicy apple right off the tree calls people to the country, to the mountains, to the orchards. It is here that the best and most flavorful of falls fruits can be found. Apples picked fresh have a depth of flavor that makes grocery stores apples green with envy!

The ranch dates back to at least 1865, when Mr. W. O. Taylor used the ranch for grazing livestock. In 1885 it was owned by the notorious cattle rustler James McHaney. He used his various mountain properties to hide cattle that had been stolen from other ranchers.

In the late 1800's it was acquired by Richard Stetson, who with his family planted the many magnificant apple trees you can see there today! Fred Hill later owned it and also grew apples here.

The ranch has also been a Boy Scout camp, and an equestrian camp. However the owners have respected the natural beauty and the history of the ranch, and it remains much as it has been for the past century.

Grandma made her apple butter by grinding it first before cooking it. In this video the folks at Thierbach Orchards had peeled, cored and sliced the apples into 8ths. This takes a little longer for the apples to break down but it's less labor than grinding the apples into an applesauce first before cooking.

Friday, October 17, 2008

War Is Declared In Camp Happyland

Some of you may remember my battle with a pocket gopher a couple months back. I've got another squatter moved in next to the patio by the garden in the backyard. Game on sucker. Fire Mission coming up. Going to Defcon 2.

Video of one of these cheeky fellers in action

Video of my last victorious engagement in June 2008

I set one trap last night and he sprung it pushing up dirt. This one's a smart one. Then he plugged up both ends of the tunnel where the trap was so good I couldn't reset the trap there.

Never had pocket gophers around here in 30 years and can't find any gopher mounds within several blocks. I'd rather go with the propane like the Rodenator uses to collapse the tunnels instead of having to trap these dang dudes every month and have to fix the damage to the lawn and garden.

Dubya D from our JHO Forum posted this pic on how he solved his gopher problem using his bow. I've been creeping out with my longbow hoping to catch the little turd out but no joy so far. Pocket gophers don't seem to come out as much as a ground squirrel it seems. Gonna set the game cam on his hole to pattern his sorry butt.

BDB (Steve) from the forum suggested I "make him a little friend", go to the HE (High Explosives). My first reaction was to blow him in place but he's under the foundation I think. Right next to it for sure and I'd take off half the patio if I went to the big bang.

The other problem is the Sweeney gopher traps I have don't fit in the tunnels very well, I have to dig the tunnels out a bit to fit the trap jaws. Does Sweeneys make a smaller version? I got these at Lowe's and they were marked gopher traps. Maybe one inch narrower would work.

I flooded the boy out tonight, hope he had his john boot handy. Then I collapsed all the tunnels I could find. Frustration has set in. I don't wanna go to the nuclear card but I'm not going to have the house collapse because the foundation was undermined.

Defcon 3 declared.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Squirrel Hunting The Pawpaw Patch

This was a squirrel hunt with my friend Bob C. in his pawpaw patch near Washington MO. We just saw one squirrel and ended up looking for pawpaws most of the evening.

The pawpaw tree, Asimina triloba, yields 3- to 5-inch-long fruit, the largest fruit native to the United States. Pawpaws taste like a cross between a banana and a mango and look like pears. The huge black seeds, big enough to choke a horse, take up a lot of space where the fruit is located. If the gods ever do a redesign of the pawpaw I hope they shrink the seeds down a bit for more space for the delicious fruit.

The name, also spelled paw paw, paw-paw, and papaw, probably derives from the Spanish papaya, perhaps due to the superficial similarity of their fruit. Pawpaws have many other common names such as prairie banana, Indiana (Hoosier) banana, West Virginia banana, Kentucky banana, Michigan banana, Missouri Banana, and Ozark banana.

The earliest documentation of pawpaws is in the 1541 report of the de Soto expedition, who found Native Americans cultivating them east of the Mississippi River. The Lewis and Clark Expedition sometimes subsisted on pawpaws during their travels. Chilled pawpaw fruit was a favorite dessert of George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson was certainly familiar with it as he planted it at Monticello.

As kids we used to sing a song about pawpaws.


Where O where is pret-ty lit-tle Su-sie?
Where O where is pret-ty lit-tle Su-sie?
Where O where is pret-ty lit-tle Su-sie?
Way down yon-der in the paw-paw patch

Where O where is pretty little Susie?
Where O where is pretty little Susie?
Where O where is pretty little Susie?
Way down yonder in the pawpaw patch

Pickin' up paw-paws, puttin' um in her pockets, etc.

Come on, boys, let's go find her, etc.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Hog Hunting At The Earthquake Capital Of The World

This was a hog hunt at RNJ Wild Hog Hunts near Coalinga CA Sept 26-27 2008 with Rick (Westy), Eric (cahntr) and his dad Jim. Eric bought the pig hunt for his dad as a birthday present. How cool is that?

Temps were in the mids 90s which made for late evening and early morning hunts. We spotted a big boar Friday night but he got over a ridge before we could cut him off. Saturday after a morning hunt and siesta the other 3 and Randy the guide took off without their cameraman to check a close waterhole. They ran into a good group of hogs and ended up with 2 meat sows weighing about 140 lbs each.

Oh well, Rick got his new nickname "Dryfire" out of the debacle of him trying to kill a pig, AGAIN. It may have been a good thing the cameraman wasn't there to document his misses, scope on 10x for a 40 yard shot, dryfires, short stroking of rounds etc. The group said Rick was shaking like a hound passing a peach pit trying to hammer that pig. The Rookie Jim did just fine though.

Sunday we hit the world famous Parkfield Cafe in Parkfield CA for a tasty tri-tip sandwich lunch. Parkfield is the Earthquake Capital Of The World. "Be Here When It Happens!" is their motto. Well, we were there and it didn't happen. They also have a huge sign inside that says "If you feel a shake or quake, get under your table and eat your steak."

Camcorder was a Canon GL-2

Huge thanks to Randy Mapel of RNJ Wild Hog Hunts. Randy worked his butt of to get us on hogs and then skinned them out to boot. More info on RNJ Wild Hog Hunts at

More info on hog hunting in our Hog Hunting Forum

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Big Boar Taking A 7mm Rem Mag In The Boiler Room

This was a hunt at Fort Hunter Liggett in March of 2005 with Rick (Westy). We were actually trying to roost some turkeys when Rick spotted some hogs down below us. Another turkey hunter spotted the same hogs and stalked them for a shot below us. He missed and the hogs ran up the ridge to Westy where he wacked the boar.

On the slo-mo you can see two puffs of dirt from the 7mm Rem Mag hitting the hog and then exiting the hide on the far side.

Boar weighed 275 lbs. on the Fort scale and didn't have much for ivory, maybe an inch.

Rifle was a Ruger 700

Camcorder was a Canon GL-2.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Chasin' The Albacore in Mexico Part 2

Cleaning the house can sometimes turn up long lost gold. The last much needed purge here produced a fishing video tape I have been looking for the past 3 years. The tape had fallen down in between the headboard and mattress on the bed. Ah, the life of a bachelor, I guess that gives away how long it's been between thorough cleanings here in Camp Happyland.

The video is of my albacore fishing trip with Rick (Westy) and Mike (FF&F) to Mexico on the Pacific Queen in June 2005.

It was a little early for a WFO (Wide Freakin Open) bite but we were antsy and wanted some rail time to cure the long off season blues. We lucked out and had pretty calm seas the 2 days we were on the water. We launched out of Fisherman's Landing in San Diego, the heart of the tuna fleet for SoCal. The regular Captain of the Pacific Queen, Bill Cavanaugh, was not going with us due to a new baby coming so we set sail with a substitute captain manning the boat.

It wasn't long until albacore were boiling on our chum line.

Part 2

Saturday, September 13, 2008

9-11, Never Forget

The students at Redlands University near my home set up a memorial to the folks who lost their lives on 9-11 by placing 3,000 flags in the lawn near their dorms.

I stopped by to have a quiet moment at the memorial and reflect back on that fateful day.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

Fourth stanza of "For the Fallen" by Lawrence Binyon

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Chasin' The Albacore in Mexico Part 1

Cleaning the house can sometimes turn up long lost gold. The last much needed purge here produced a fishing video tape I have been looking for the past 3 years. The tape had fallen down in between the headboard and mattress on the bed. Ah, the life of a bachelor, I guess that gives away how long it's been between thorough cleanings here in Camp Happyland.

The video is of my albacore fishing trip with Rick (Westy) and Mike (FF&F) to Mexico on the Pacific Queen in June 2005.

It was a little early for a WFO (Wide Freakin Open) bite but we were antsy and wanted some rail time to cure the long off season blues. We lucked out and had pretty calm seas the 2 days we were on the water. We launched out of Fisherman's Landing in San Diego, the heart of the tuna fleet for SoCal. The regular Captain of the Pacific Queen, Bill Cavanaugh, was not going with us due to a new baby coming so we set sail with a substitute captain manning the boat.

It wasn't long until albacore were boiling on our chum line.

Part 1

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Dove Hunt Opener In Arizona & California

I hunted at Cibola Sportsman's Club with the Corbett family, it was their 10th annual dove hunt and steak dinner the night before the dove opener. About 60 shooters with many limits early. Lots of whitewings. I manned the camera until about 9am and then knocked a few down. The shooting was small groups of doves that were fairly steady all morning. I saw one big flight of about 25 birds that our group knocked 2 out of.

I saw 2 Eurasion Collared Doves at the cleaning station. Didn't hear much shooting at all from the Cibola NWR nearby. In fact, the valley seemed kind of quiet compared to past years on the dove hunting opener. I can say the weather and nice breeze was a change from the usual furnace like 115F that Cibola is famous for. It was 84F when we started shooting and with the cloud cover it was perfect shooting. When I left at noon it had just hit 100F. Lots of white 50 gallon barrels with "NO TRESPASSING" marking fields. One group said they scouted all day Sunday only to find 2 fields they could shoot.

I stopped by Yellow Mart in Blythe on the way home and most of the hunter there shot limits early that morning. One dad and son said they had 10 shooters in their group who all got limits. 2 older gentlemen said their long time favorite spot down near the river was a dud, they had one bird each they said. Lots of folks coming in there to check out the sales and pick up more shells and licenses for those just getting down to hunt. Yellow Mart has a big map of the area posted in their store that shows the good spots to hunt. They also had a Dove Hunter paper that had lots of good info in it. The big "Welcome Dove Hunters" banner hanging over the main drag was kewl to see.

Traffic home on the I-10 was light, looked like mostly river rats. Saw a a few pickups with dog crates in the back.

Cam was a Canon GL-2

More info on dove hunting in our Upland Hunting Forum

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

YouTube & Fair Use

Gee, what's the big deal, it was on the Internet so it's gotta be free to download right?

Anybody who's been around the Wild Wild Web very long has been to YouTube to watch a video or two. Many of the most watched videos are filmed by the Average Joe or Jane, who then dub in a music track from a well known band. Word spreads of their outstanding production and then one day they get the dreaded "Cease and desist" letter. Shortly thereafter their video is unceremoniously taken down. Who's right? "Why can't we use music in our videos?" is the cry heard round the Internet jungle.

To wit,

The copyright laws are an morass of lawyer mumbo jumbo but most folks try and run with the "Fair use" exception that allows certain uses of copyrighted material. Recently a court case was filed that may shed some light on this using copyrighted music on video issue. Los Angeles Times Article. A woman in PA is suing Universal Music Group after they had YouTube pull her video off because she had used some of Prince's music on a short video of her kid dancing around. The woman is claiming "Fair Use" for a defense in her case. Gonna be interesting the precedent this case will set.

Where do you stand? Should an artist's work product be protected under the copyright laws even if it's for personal use? Or for commentary or parody? Should this new generation, born with a mouse in their hand, be held to the same standards as us older folks were or do they get new rules to live by in the switched on computer age?

Time will certainly tell.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Advice For The Lovelorn

Brace yourself, this amazing find could alter the universe.

While working in our booth at Bass Pro the past 2 weekends I've discovered a guaranteed call for women. I've always used my Primos Terminator Elk Tube Call in the mountains while chasing bull elk, but elk are not the only animal susceptible to this call.

We were on the 2nd floor and we would let out loud bull elk squeals and glunking to entertain the kids. Much to our amazement women over in the clothes and fudge section would come walking upstairs with glazed over looks wanting to know where the strange sounds were coming from. After we did the call for the ladies they would get this crazy look in their eyes like you see them wearing after a Tom Cruise movie. They were like putty in our hands.

So iffen your down on your luck or just wanting to spice up the bedroom I can honestly recommend the Primos Terminator Elk Tube Call. You won't believe it till you see it in action. This marvelous invention called in all types of women, short ones, tall ones, redheads, brunettes, midget women you name it.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Cherry Valley Bowhunters Jenks Lake 3D Archery Shoot Part 1

I shot this video at our Cherry Valley Bowhunters Big Bear 3D Archery shoot near Jenk's Lake CA, August 1-3 2008. I can't think of nothing more relaxing than to camp out in the high mountain pines and fling arrows, only to set around a campfire later and talk bowhunting and archery.

3D archery is a subset of field archery focusing on shooting at life-size targets of game. It is most common to see unmarked distances in 3D archery, as the goal is to accurately recreate a hunting environment for competition.

On these animals there are 4 rings, only 3 of these are used in ASA shoots. The one that isn't used very often is the 14 ring. This can only be scored if you call it before you shoot, and even then it may not be allowed. Next is the 12 ring inside of the 10 ring, inside of the 8 ring. Anything on the target that is outside of the 8, 10, 12, or 14 rings is a 5. If you miss the target, you score a zero or goose egg.

Though the goal is hunting practice, hunting tips (broadheads) are not used, as they would tear up the foam targets too much. Normal target or field tips, of the same weight as the intended broadhead, are used instead.

Competitors use recurve bows, longbows and compound bows. Arrows are made of aluminum, carbon or cedar wood.

More info about archery and bowhunting and 3-D shoots on our Archery and Bowhunting forum.

To find a 3D shoot in your area check out

Camcorder was a Canon GL-2 with Bogen 3130 tripod and head.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

New Leaf River iR-5 & iR-7SSi Infrared Game Cam Models

New for the "Switched On" Outdoorsman this summer are the Leaf River iR-5 and iR-7SSi infrared models that record sound when in the video mode. How cool is that? Infrared pics by night, color pics during the day or video with sound, you make the choice. Don and the gang At Leaf River have a winner here.

For a sneak peek at some tasty video from the new Leaf River game cams check out the links below.

Hog video

Turkey video

Quick look at the specs:

IR-7SS - $379.99


7.0 Mega-pixel Picture Quality
Built-In 2.4˝ Viewing Screen
Improved trigger speed
MPEG -4 video with 640 x 480 resolution at 30 frames per second
Sound recording when in video mode
Color daytime, infrared night-time still pictures or MPEG-4 video
SD card slot for removable memory or use internal memory (SD card not included)
Zoom and Pan feature on internal viewing screen
Adjustable sensitivity knob for motion detection
The unit can be programmed to pause from 1 to 90 minutes between pictures, and by using the Quick Shot mode, you can capture an even quicker 2nd and 3rd picture before entering the pause time, if additional motion is detected, such as a buck following a doe down a trail.
INCLUDES: Mossy Oak Treestand ® camoflage, USB cable, RCA cable, steel mounting bracket, steel security bar and mounting strap. Requires 4 D-cell and 3 C-cell batteries. (NOT INCLUDED) Infrared Digital


IR-5 - $329.99


5.0 Mega-pixel Picture Quality
Built-In 1.6˝ Viewing Screen
Improved trigger speed
MPEG -4 video with 640 x 480 resolution at 30 frames per second
Sound recording when in video mode
Color daytime, infrared night-time still pictures or MPEG-4 video
SD card slot for removable memory or use internal memory (SD card not included)
Zoom and Pan feature on internal viewing screen
Adjustable sensitivity knob for motion detection
The unit can be programmed to pause from 1 to 90 minutes between pictures, and by using the Quick Shot mode, you can capture an even quicker 2nd and 3rd picture before entering the pause time, if additional motion is detected, such as a buck following a doe down a trail.
INCLUDES: Mossy Oak Treestand ® camoflage, USB cable, RCA cable, steel mounting bracket, steel security bar and mounting strap. Requires 4 D-cell and 3 C-cell batteries. (NOT INCLUDED) Infrared Digital

Available from Leaf River and other fine dealers like Cabela's.

More videos from Leaf River on YouTube

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

MO Spring Youth Turkey Hunt 2008 Video

This was our hunt we did along with Steve and and our young hunter Kelly joined Dad and me up at our farm near Lewistown MO. It was a cold and snowy weekend and we froze our butts off. We did get a couple toms in to about 60 yards but they just wouldn't commit to give Kelly a chance for a poke at them with his shotgun.

Camcorder was a Canon GL-2.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

SLAP CRAZY Award for this week

Every once in awhile I bump into someone who's wired just a bit different. What mortals quake in fear over these folks wade in with a goofy smile on their face. "They just ain't right", as one buddy describes them.

This week's award goes to this fella down in Louisiana doing hog depredation in a flooded rice field. He was new to the game and started out with a rifle and somehow ended up using a Cold Steel spear at night in close quarters. Did I mention he goes in barefoot? Wielding a spear is also tricky in that if you miss a vital spot you're holding on to one pissed off pig that is within easy striking distance.

All this in the dark in high grass so you can't see squat until you're on it. That takes some sand.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Take The Wood To These Folks, PLEASE!!!!

A recent article in the San Francisco Chronicle fish wrap by Tom Stienstra about a poacher busted with a bunch illegally taken game has me wondering when our courts systems will finally put the wood to these folks. The wrist slaps simply are not working.

At the recent California Fish & Game Commission meeting here in Upland CA the commissioners talked about raising the current fines and penalties for the commercial poachers since the current laws are not working to deter folks from raping our natural resources. I think the egregious poachers also need to be lumped in with the commercial poacher law change.

One simple violation like shooting too late would be just a small fine. If you get caught with multiple violations or are a repeat offender than they throw the book at you. Maybe a 2 strikes and you're out dealio. Wardens tell us the current fines are no deterrent when the poacher can make 10X the fine selling the poached game. The solution seems simple, raise the fines to where it really hurts and add in some mandatory jail time. That should get their attention for starters. The commission also talked raising the serious poaching cases to felony level. Whatever it takes, I've had a bellyful of seeing someone caught way WAY over the line and they get a simple $100 fine and back out they go to do it all over again.

I also think the guys poaching for trophy game should also be lumped into the harsher punishment category. Some states have already taken action to stop the trophy poachers with the Samson Law. This legislation significantly increases the penalties associated with the poaching of trophy big game animals. Heck, I'd vote for 1/2 hour with a belt sander being applied but I don't think that's going to fly

I believe the trophy poachers are the worst as they leave the headless animal to rot in the woods or field, many times in plain sight of a road where all can see. Dad and I found a headless whitetail like this near Swan Lake NWR several years back. It really left an empty feeling in me that someone could be so callous in regard to our wildlife and hunting traditions. They simply shot the buck from their vehicle, hopped out with a Sawzall and cut the head off and hopped back in and scrammed. Maybe took them 5 minutes to do their handywork.

What else can we do to stop this nonsense? Store your state's poaching tip line in your cellphone. If your state doesn't have a tip line ask them, "Why Not?" Carry a small digital camera with you in the field. If you see something that raises your suspicions take some pics. You don't need to confront the bad guys, just make the call and let the wardens and cops do their job. In some states they even offer rewards for the tips. You can remain anonymous and help weed out the dirtbags who steal from the community. We also need to educate and put pressure on our local district attorneys and judges who are the ones lowering the boom. Many times they don't understand the severity of these crimes and how they affect our image to the non hunting or fishing public.

What do you think? Are the current poaching laws and punishment fair or do you think we need to tighten the screw a bit? How does your state operate? Do they have a tip line?

P.S. That big whitetail buck above, he was poached on Swan Lake NWR in Missouri and the guy was caught. The mount is on display in the refuge office.

Friday, July 18, 2008

How To Fight The Antis, HSUS

Knowledge is power and this is a big club we can wield to beat back the anti rhetoric.


Sportsmen Against HSUS Fund Issues Fact Sheet


(Columbus) - A new fact sheet that details the dangers of the nation's largest and most active anti-hunting group is available from the U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance.

The educational fact sheet is part of the organization's Sportsmen Against HSUS Campaign, designed to educate sportsmen and sportswomen, elected officials, media decision makers and the public at large about the nation's largest animal rights group.

"Thousands of people each year donate millions of dollars to the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) without truly knowing where their money is going," said U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance Senior Vice President Rick Story. "Our idea is to give sportsmen the information they need to understand the dangers of the HSUS and its anti-hunting agenda and to pass the information on to friends and family."

New members of the U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance will receive a copy of the HSUS FACT SHEET. Memberships start at $25. Click here, or go to and click on Join Now to become a U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance member.

Also, sportsmen who contribute one dollar to the fund will receive a fact sheet about HSUS that details the organization's anti-hunting programs, its annual funding and other important facts. Money collected will be used exclusively to continue the battle against the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and its animal rights campaign.

The Sportsmen Against HSUS drive will also fund campaigns that combat the public policy threats initiated and supported by the HSUS. The HSUS lobbying machine claims to have played a role in getting 86 different state laws passed in 2007 alone.

Sportsmen who wish to receive the FACT sheet or to otherwise contribute to the Sportsmen Against HSUS Fund may send their contribution to Sharon Hayden, Communications Assistant, U.S. Sportsmen's Aliance, 801 Kingsmill Parkway, Columbus, OH, 43229.

The U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance is a national association of sportsmen and sportsmen's organizations that protects the rights of hunters, anglers and trappers in the courts, legislatures, at the ballot, in Congress and through public education programs. For more information about the U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance and its work, call (614) 888-4868 or visit its website,

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Each spring brings the young kids of our planet out, it's always a joy to watch the newbies find their legs and explore their new found world.

I first saw these California Valley Quail as they crossed the road in the foothills of Claremont CA. Mom and dad were easy to see but the little fuzzballs looked like Morse Code dots, scrawling across the pavement like on a ticker tape.

"Wow, they're just lil guys" I thought to myself. Maybe a late 2nd hatch.

The covey was too fast for me to catch in the road with my Canon GL-2 camcorder so I parked and waited to see if they would come back out of the Catclaw bushes where they had disappeared.

Since it was feeding and scratchin time it wasn't long before they popped back out for some tasty seeds and bugs.

Man are them lil goobers fast with such short legs. I tried to count the chicks and got maybe 12 to 14. See how many feathered pinballs you get. I figure Mr. Hawk and Mr. Bobcat have already glommed a quail cheeseburger or two so this hatch was close to 16 maybe? Not much to chew on though, more like popcorn shrimp for a large predator or raptor.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

A Deal's A Deal,,,,, Right?

I saw this issue many moons ago posted on one of the turkey hunting forums. A woman who had just lost her husband was having a yard sale and was selling a high dollar turkey call from a well know callmaker for $10. The call was worth several hundred. The person had bought the call and never mentioned the ridiculously low price to the lady. It was obvious he had taken her pretty bad. Several members called the call buyer out and asked why he hadn't let the poor woman know about her mistake. She obviously needed the money as she was on fixed income and had no real way to judge the value of the call. This was before most folks were on the Internet.

The buyer mentioned the seller should have done her homework and a "deal was a deal." He claimed he was under no obligation to let her know of the value before he paid for the call. Granted the seller needs to make sure they are asking a fair price but in this case the elderly lady had just lost her husband and was in dire straits.

Should we be that uncaring in that we can nick someone when they do not have their normal wits about them? Is a deal a deal no matter what? Is there any wiggle room for special cicrumstances or do we cast out those who break a deal. How was it in the movie Thunderdome, "Bust a deal,,, face the wheel?"

What say ye? Every been in on a deal like this or had someone welch on a deal after they realized they had listed the selling price wrong. How did you work it out? Did it leave a bad taste in your mouth?

Say, how much you want for that pistol on your belt there?

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Wild Wild Web, YouTube & Dinosaurs

They say dinosaurs faded out when they failed to adapt to changes on the planet here. Today I see the same thing happening with the Internet and the current dinosaurs who say "I don't get the Internet". How could you not get the Internet? It's like a huge library at your grubby finger tips. You can research a lodge for a fishing trip, check out pics to see what a jaguarundi really looks like and so much more. What kid didn't stare in wonder the first time they walked into the school library, all that info and such a short a time to cram it into our small melons.

Fast forward to the video age on the web today, online video is so dominant I'm thinking about turning off my DirectTV satellite. I can get all my hunting shows now on I watch the local news channels OTA (Over The Air), you know, the old TV antenna on the roof setup except now it's a digital HDTV feed to the big screen. It's all free too once you buy the HDTV tuner box. Who needs Sat TV anymore, especially at $100+ plus a month if you get the better packages? The only real channels I'll miss is my hockey which I can now watch on the laptop too.

Oh and about those dinosaurs, I recently bumped into a couple who questioned the free videos I shot of their company youth event and posted on YouTube. A few members of this companies' board were moaning the fact my YouTube video was ranked #3 in a Google search for their event and they were talking of having me pull the video. I had a verbal go ahead to film but some of the board members were not in the loop and had some heartburn over the videos. You'd have to be a fool to turn down free Google 1st page ranking like that promoting your product, especially when the video was geared to the younger generation which this company wants to attract. The company had filmed a commercial and some other video for TV broadcast at this same event but how many teens do you see sitting in front of a TV now days? It's the computer, Ipod or cellphone mostly that I see the kids paying attention to.

The links that are created with these videos and the websites that these links are posted on are what makes the web go round. It's the glue that holds this magic all together. So much so Google ranks linkage and the traffic on those links very high in the indexing of a website. The more links you have to high traffic websites the more golden you are, literally. For the small mom & pop companies this is the edge they need to get noticed, their foot in the door of the outdoor market. With a $500 camcorder, some $100 editing software and a decent computer you can produce your own promotional videos or "how to" video blogs (Vblogs).

I guessing if you're reading this you get the Internet but how many of your family or friends don't get the wild wild web? What are their reasons?

Have you embedded lately?

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Tactical2Practical Stuntwoman Shoot Piru CA

Part 2 of this video series has the famous Cowboy Action Shooter "Tequila" covering the .38 single action pistol and pump shotgun used in CAS (Cowboy Action Shooting).

Tactical2Practical was a Stuntwomen's Association Of Motion Pictures shooting seminar held in November 2004 at the ISI range in Piru CA. All types of weaponry, from handguns to full auto machine guns to antique cowboy rifles are taught, as well as police, SWAT, and military tactics. The seminar is taught by world and national champion competition shooters, elite police and military trainers, as well as Olympic gold medalists.

The seminar is by invitation only to elite members of the stunt community.

More info about the Stuntwomen's Association Of Motion Pictures

More info on guns and how to shoot at our Gun forum at

Part 3

More CAS single action pistol, lever action rifle and shotgun.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Goobermint Run Amok

Brace yourself, this one's as painful as watching a 2 year old get a splinter removed. It's complete with the same caterwauling and foot stomping.

Most of the states now have online licensing where you can walk into many stores and buy your hunting or fishing licenses. Eazy, peazy, Japanezy. You'd think California, being the high tech hotbed we are, would be one of the first states to adopt this time and money saving system. But Nooooooo. We're are currently in year 13 of trying to get the ALDS (Automated License Data System) up and running.

At the June 26th 2008 California Fish & Game Commission meeting the ALDS project manager gave the commission the current sitrep. It was brutal. Commissioner Daniel Richards called the current ALDS situation a "trainwreck". The project was started in 1995 and the DFG is still getting excuses from the contractor, Outdoor Central Inc., on why they can't perform. They don't even have a date for delivery yet, maybe 2010 is the new guess. The commission is JUST NOW asking for milestones from the contractor.


From what I can gather the commission does not have performance bonds on this contract, something that is standard practice in the business world to prevent this kind of mess. In my opinion it's high time to fire the contractor and sue them for non performance.

Link to Commission video If you want to view the debacle it's at the 2 hour 54 minute mark.

I know some coders you could supply pizza to for 2 months who could hammer this online system out. I'm still digging trying to find out how much of our money DFG has peed away down this black hole.

Some of the commissioners mentioned Idaho and Oregon having up and running systems and wondered why California is so behind. ALDS project manager Reyes said the contractor first tried to piggyback on the code they already have up and running for other states but then they had a management loss and upheaval. Then the contractor decided the piggyback wasn't going to work and because CA is soooooo different we need "special" code written for us special folks.

The final insult to injury was hearing the contractor has only "about" 25% of the "special" code done according to DFG. Reyes looked looked like a deer caught in the headlights at the commission meeting. "I'm holding their feet to the fire", Reyes said when asked what was being done to correct the problem.

"A pig in poke is what we got heruh", as my grandpa would say.

Do you have online licensing in your state? If you do how long have you had it? Do you like it or not?

Friday, June 27, 2008

Tag Draws And The Quest For Info

It's that time of the year when us hunters lean forward in our chairs, scanning the computer screen like a hungry raptor for any word that tag draw results have been posted. Some folks check their credit card statements like crazed weasels, hoping to be the first on the block to know where they drew a hunt. Those without a computer stalk the postman knowing he can be the Rainmaker. The word "frenzy" comes to mind when describing this annual look into the crystal ball for the fall hunting seasons.

Along with hitting the tag jackpot comes the quest for info that follows. Many folks already know the area where they'll be hunting from years of scouting but there is also a group who bravely fling that dart into the map, wanting to experience a new challenge. Naturally these newbies are behind the learning curve so many jump on to the wild wild web to start their research. This is where it can get ugly some times. These poor pilgrims land in a forum after a Google search and ask that dreaded question. "Hey, I lucked out and drew an X tag. Can anyone help me out?"

The regulars of these forum just grimace knowing that another Norman New Guy to their community has popped in to exploit their honey holes. Some of them bite their tongue and hope no one spills the beans. Others try to be polite and offer up a tidbit or two of helpful info. Unfortunately there is also a backlash from a small minority who lash out at the rookie who dares to venture into their lair, hoping to score a fast and cheap leg up. They feel you must walk a gauntlet to be allowed access to this precious info.

Where's the line? We all know you're screwing the pooch if you post an exact location on the Internet. It was the same in the old days when a magazine writer did a piece on your favorite zone in say WY. Hundreds, if not thousands more, applied the next year. Do you take your request and info trading off line to email so the whole world doesn't see the best spots? Do you just give general info and point them in a direction without getting too specific or do we just ignore the request, hoping they will fade into black? What are the rules on info trading and who sets them? Who is the "Keymaster?"

In the olden days the veteran hunters just flat out didn't talk about "their" spots. Getting an invite to tag along to a golden X was like winning the lottery, it just didn't happen very often, if at all. Blood oaths to secrecy were taken before you hit the trail. If you killed the golden goose with your loose lips there would be retribution. I know some guys who would park on one county road only to be picked up by a friend and they would drive into the next county to keep people from finding their lucky duck hole. Poor wardens would go crazy trying to find these guys to check them only to find out they were 60 miles up river.

I try and point folks in a general direction. I don't think it helps anyone to just mark a map and tell them "Go here." Part of hunting to me is learning how to scout and the satisfaction of discovering new spots on our own. Then again I think it's rude to just brush off folks asking for help. These new folks may just end up being a good hunting buddy or they may know of a great fishing hole in an area your are curious about. Maybe vet them first to see what type of person they are. Quid Pro Quo I guess is how I tend to do the scouting info dance.

Then again, there are a few special spots I will never tell anyone about as they are hallowed ground to me. One is a marsh at Swan Lake NWR in north Missouri where I go to film and watch the squadrons of ducks, turkeys and huge deer that live there. One favorite ridge here in SoCal I just love being alone there. It's my quiet place to let my thoughts wonder among the high clouds

Where do you draw the line when it comes to someone asking for help in scouting? Are you helpful or do you hold those favorite spot cards close to the vest?

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Paying The Piper - Rising Fuel , Travel & Gear Prices

As the saying goes, "If you want to dance, you've got to pay the piper."

Being in the retail business I recently received a notice of a dealer price increase from one vender. "Hmmm", I thought, I had just received our new dealer prices a few months back. Most of the new gear for this year hasn't even shipped yet and already there is an unprecedented rise in dealer cost.

Is the cause fuel prices dramatically going up? A weaker dollar against the Euro and Yen? Are skyrocketing metal prices driving the increase? Actually all 3 reasons were cited in the notice as the cause for the sharp rise in gear prices.

Add higher gear prices to the rapidly escalating costs to drive or fly and it's going to be a lot tougher for many hunters and fishermen to make many trips this year. I see talk of carpools already on many fishing and hunting forums, something you just didn't see much of a year ago. I've already scaled back some plans for trips this summer and fall myself.

Some are taking it to the extreme to save fuel and money by Hypermiling. These folks use a method of increasing their car's gas mileage by making skillful changes in the way they drive, allowing them to save gas. Some of their methods make sense but some are downright dangerous like shutting off their ignition when coming to stops. You're power steering and brakes do not work with the key off and you're just asking for disaster in doing that.

Another change I see is the large SUVs are getting traded in or parked in favor of smaller more fuel efficient vehicles. The days of fully loaded down Suburbans and 3/4 ton pickups seem to be numbered. I drive a Dodge Quad Cab diesel truck and it's killing me to fill up, neary $160 for a tank of gas here in SoCal. I get around 19 MPG but I have to wonder what the poor guy or gal who owns an RV that gets 5 MPG is gonna do. Tough times and tough decisions coming for all of us.

What changes are you trying to stretch those precious pennies? How is the price of fuel and travel affecting your plans for this year?

Wanna buy a Dodge Pick-em-Up?

Friday, June 20, 2008

Git To Higher Ground

With all the record flooding back home in Iowa and Mizzurah where most of my folks are maybe a little ditty by Johnny Cash to help cheer them up.

How High is the Water Papa?

How high's the water, mama?
Two feet high and risin'
How high's the water, papa?
Two feet high and risin'

We can make it to the road in a homemade boat
That's the only thing we got left that'll float
It's already over all the wheat and the oats,
Two feet high and risin'

How high's the water, mama?
Three feet high and risin'
How high's the water, papa?
Three feet high and risin'

Well, the hives are gone,
I've lost my bees
The chickens are sleepin'
In the willow trees
Cow's in water up past her knees,
Three feet high and risin'

How high's the water, mama?
Four feet high and risin'
How high's the water, papa?
Four feet high and risin'

Hey, come look through the window pane,
The bus is comin', gonna take us to the train
Looks like we'll be blessed with a little more rain,
4 feet high and risin'

How high's the water, mama?
Five feet high and risin'
How high's the water, papa?
Five feet high and risin'

Well, the rails are washed out north of town
We gotta head for higher ground
We can't come back till the water comes down,
Five feet high and risin'

Well, it's five feet high and risin'


Columbus Junction Iowa.

In more news from the flood zone along the Iowa river we have the
"Come Hell Or High Water" marriage. A woman named Dannie Ritter put her foot down and got married despite driving 180 miles across Iowa around detours to Columbus Junction IA. That wasn't the only hurdle she had to overcome, her new husband is in the National Guard and he was called into action to help save the town from all the water.

You go girl.

Couple was last seen paddling off into the sunset.


I hope the best for all you folks along the rivers in WI, IA, MO and IL. If you need anything, please email here and we'll see what we can do to help out.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Nifty Little Item For Us Treestand Hunters

One of the pains of wearing a safety harness is how the tether strap rubs the back of your neck and gets all tangled up. Many of us bowhunters have stood out there in the trees and wondered, "There's got to be a better way." Well, there is. The Jacketport.

This new company out of Georgia has a waterproof port you install in the back of your jacket so you can just pass your strap through the hole. When you get into your stand you just strap/clip in and never have to worry about the strap, it's right where it should be. When you don't have your harness on you can still use the jacket by installing the cap over the port.

I've got 2 Jacketport samples left so if anyone wants one to try out just hit my email.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day To All The Dads

I have to admit that without my Dad's passion for hunting and fishing that I probably wouldn't have been able to run around the lakes and woods as much as I did as a kid. Thank you Dad for taking the time to introduce me to the outdoors. I still stare in rapt wonder at many of the critters and plants I see while outdoors. Nature is the best classroom I've ever attended.

3 cheers also for all the Dad's out there who pass on this fine tradition we have of hunting and fishing to our children.

Here's a pic of Dad with his bow up near Mark Twain Lake in MO before they flooded the area to make the lake.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Big Bear Lake Carp Roundup 2008

This was the 5th annual Carp Roundup at Big Bear Lake put on by the Big Bear Lake MWD. As usual the "Zonies" (Arizona) boyz kicked our CA butts. 3rd was the best the state of fruits and nuts could do for both shore and boat teams.

The total tonnage of carp whacked was off from last year, 5,000 pounds, down from 8,000 last year.

A BBQ, prizes and raffle followed after at the MWD building at the boat ramp.

Huge thanks goes out to Big Bear MWD, Mike Stephenson, all the helpers and all the sponsors like Riverside Archery.

See you in 2009, the Big Bear Lake Carp Roundup is the first weekend in June.

Here's part 1 of the 3 part video series.

Part 2

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Big Trouble On The River

I had a Valley Pocket Gopher move in and start tearing up the front yard. At first I thought I was up against a ground squirrel having never dealt with pocket gophers before. We had moles in our yard back in Missouri and we just flipped them out with a shovel when we saw them pushing up a tunnel. This gopher was a whole new prey for me. Gassing and waterboarding didn't work at first so we had to escalate the applied physics.

Watch my travails in the video to see who wins out and if the house survived.

Ain't much to speak of for a pelt to count coup, his hide didn't even cover my spear tip.

Monday, June 2, 2008

JHO Ham Slam Tejon Ranch CA May 2008 Part 2

This is our annual Ham Slam at the beautiful Tejon Ranch near Lebec CA, 1 hour north of Los Angeles CA.

29 hunters this go round with 20 taking hogs with gun and bow.

This video has Cody's hog, climbing up Specmisser ridge behind Petunia. Bob's (hronk's) pig. Glassing up a hog for Scott (grwhthunter). Jesse's (ozzstriker22's) pig. Wild oats.

We have hunts at Tejon several times a year so if you would like to attend or learn more about hog hunting please check in at out Hog Hunting Forum here

More info on the Tejon Ranch here

Camcorder was Canon GL-2 with Century Optics 2x tele lens for long shots. Bogen 3130 tripod.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

JHO Ham Slam Hog Hunt At Tejon Ranch CA

Got part 1 of the JHO Tejon Ranch Ham Slam video done. It was a cold winter like hunt. Deepest/longest haul would go to Speckmisser or Rancho that I saw. Saul (bodega) gets honorable mention for his recovery.

I missed getting any kills on the tape. Got Scott (grtwhthntr) sneaking on some bedded and feeding hogs coming in part 2

Really missed going on the hunt with gnn961 and huntsndives Friday. They had the classic here comes hogs, gun jams story. By the time I got to Bear Trap after check in everyone had tore out for the ridges. Just a big dust trail up the mtn. This video has some blowed up hearts, 7mm Barnes bullet recovery by the Ammo Doctor hisself, Rancho Loco and more. No vehicles over that I know of, at least no ones admitting to any rollovers and all the roofs looked in good shape when I left.

No snakes, no ticks, no poison oak yet discovered so it was a good hunt. I still curse those that entice us fat guys down over the lip on the ridges into those hell holes, I could hardly walk today. Dayum thighs muscles are locking up bad. Downhills are the worst.

Missed the usual carne asada lunch at Los Pinos at the top of the Vine. Someone snuck out I hear and went.

Part 1 comin up